No Sunset Dollar


It's funny how contemporary these old westerns seem. There's just something about riding off into the desert of the unknown to make a life for yourself on your terms that just feels like the new digital landscape. A little gritty, a little dangerous, but who knows what you might discover along the way.

With this classic cover from Ringer Publishing Paperbacks, you can blaze your own trail and stake your claim and right all the wrongs - all from the relative safety of your own home.

Ringer Publishing

Ringer Publishing (with imprints Ringer Publishing Paperbacks, Ringer Children's Classics and Ringer Comics) is a publisher of inexpensive books for the mass market. Founded in the late 1940s, Ringer has published children's books (such as those by writer/artist Cooper MacDougall), comics (such as Spaceman Jax and the Galactic Adventures or Time for Frank and His Friend) as well as genre fiction (by authors such as Manfred Gleece), and continues to produce paperbacks today.