I, the Star


The novels of Manfred Gleece span adventure to science fiction - but many say that I, The Star also just happens to be one of the best romances ever written. (Honestly, if the end doesn't at least make your eyes a little misty, then maybe you should see a cardiologist.) 

The beautiful cover from Ringer Publishing Paperbacks captures the poignancy of reaching beyond our fears. (It also reminds us of that one particular moment in the story... but we won't give away any spoilers.)

Ringer Publishing

Ringer Publishing (with imprints Ringer Publishing Paperbacks, Ringer Children's Classics and Ringer Comics) is a publisher of inexpensive books for the mass market. Founded in the late 1940s, Ringer has published children's books (such as those by writer/artist Cooper MacDougall), comics (such as Spaceman Jax and the Galactic Adventures or Time for Frank and His Friend) as well as genre fiction (by authors such as Manfred Gleece), and continues to produce paperbacks today.