All Tied Up


The ropes seen in Cooper MacDougall's Spooky Ghosts scenes were another inspiration from the MacDougall children. When it came time to teach his twins Micky and Ricky to tie their shoes, MacDougall found it a challenge to explain the technique, so he told them stories about their shoelaces - going to school or having birthday parties - and all the ways their shoelaces could be a part of Micky and Ricky's lives. Eventually these stories became the cooperative ropes in the ghosts's world - tying their sheets into fashionable attire, as well as helping around the house by lifting and carrying heavy loads.

Cooper MacDougall

Cooper MacDougall is a writer and illustrator best known for his "Spooky Ghost" series of children's books. His work has garnered several awards, including the Meekersville Municipal Prize for Publishing and the Maltese Medal for Children's Literature (for which he had to interrupt his vacation to receive his award - his wife was completely furious).